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Defining message identifiers

We need message identifiers (mIds) to be pre-image and 2nd-pre-image resistant:

  • for a given id, nobody can forge a message with the same id
  • for a given message, nobody can forge another message with the same id

Hash functions are designed to (hopefully) have these properties. So a simple and easy-to-implement definition for an mId is to simply hash the ciphertext. There are some potential issues with this approach:

  • It assumes there is exactly one ciphertext per message that is sent to and verified by every recipient. However, some cryptographic schemes may require that different recipients verify different ciphertext e.g. “peer-to-peer” or “pairwise” schemes where each pair within the group shares a MAC key.
  • Anyone who sees this blob (including network attackers) can calculate the message id. Nothing we have mentioned in this series of articles requires mIds to be secret; but it may be that an application that is built on top of our ideas would find it convenient to have this security property.

Therefore, we also look at more general and flexible ways of defining a mId. These are more complex to implement, but have less caveats when deployed.

To start with, even if each message has multiple ciphertexts, by definition it must have a single “plain content” that is identical across recipients. This includes data and metadata such as parent mIds, author identifiers (though this could be implicit in the authentication mechanism) and recipient identifiers (though this could be implicit in the encryption mechanism).

We should not hash this plain content directly - it may have low entropy so that potential hashes can be pre-calculated by an attacker. [1] What we do instead is to hash a secret together with this plain content. Since we are encrypting the content, the encryption key would be a suitable secret:

mId(m) := H(k[m] || content)

If our encryption scheme does not naturally have a single secret key for each message (e.g. in a “peer-to-peer” scheme, we encrypt separately to each recipient), we can tweak it so: instead of calculating GroupEnc(recipients, payload) directly, we generate a random k[m] and calculate GroupEnc(recipients, k[m]) and Enc(k[m], payload), where Enc is a normal single-recipient encryption scheme. The k[m] may then be used to calculate mId as above. This tweak should be possible regardless of the implementation or state of GroupEnc.

[1]As previously, this is not a problem with anything we have directly mentioned, but it places unnecessary caveats on anyone wishing to build on top of it. For example, we may wish to be free to let new joiners see old hashes, but without letting them see the contents of older messages.

Author-specific identifiers

As mentioned before, seeing a message is not the only way that a member might come to know its mId. Other members might reveal it, by referring to it in the “parent mIds” part of their own messages. So, knowing an mId does not prove that they saw this message. As also explained before, we do not think that this is a security problem.

However, it is possible to devise a scheme to “declare parent messages” that does not enable others to fake their own declarations. The idea is simple - that parent mId declarations should only be valid for the member giving the declaration. A simple way to accomplish this is to define:

umId(m, u) := H(k[m] || content || u)

If member u wants to declare that its next message has parent m, it declares umId(m, u) instead of mId(m). One can calculate umId(m, u) if one has seen the message, and can verify others’ values; but one cannot calculate this if one hasn’t seen the message, nor re-use others’ values in a fake declaration.

However, bear in mind that we haven’t had this “security property” nor “threat” (of fake parent declarations) in mind when designing other aspects of the system, so the above scheme may not be sufficient (but it is necessary) to protect against this “threat” in the overall system.

For example, we define acks to be transitive - referring to a message implies that you’ve also seen its ancestors, without needing to refer to them directly. This bypasses much of the “protection” of the above scheme. We could fix this, by e.g. having a member-specific “all messages acked” hash that attests (in a non-transferrable way, like umId) to all messages that we expect to be acking with this current message, that can be verified by others. But this is getting very complex quite quickly, for questionable gain, so we’ll stop here and leave further progress along these lines as an exercise to the reader.

Consistency without reliability

Against our main strong ordering proposal, here we’ll look at how to construct a consistency system that doesn’t assume a reliable transport. (Spoiler: we don’t have a good solution to this problem, but we’ll talk about the issues.) Fundamentally, transcript consistency cannot be guaranteed since we accept that members might miss any subset of messages. However, we can still try to achieve consistency of individual messages - i.e. if Alice sends me a message that she claims was also sent to X, then I should verify that X indeed received this.

Suppose Alice sends messages (1) and (2) to Bob. The transport is unreliable and Bob receives (2), and we don’t want to assume he will eventually receive (1). At this moment, we can still indicate all necessary information to the UI: on Alice’s side, Bob hasn’t acked her messages yet; on Bob’s side, he has received (2) which refers (optionally) to the missing parent (1).

Suppose then Bob wants to send message (3). Achieving consistency is based on acking what we have seen so far, which means we need a way to represent this information. By definition, our previous assumption of strong ordering, means that we only ever need to represent “we have seen everything up to and including X”, where in this case X = {2}.

By contrast, without a reliability assumption, we would need to represent arbitrary subsets of the transcript, e.g. in this case “seen (2) but not (1)”. As a strawman proposal, this is possible simply by explicitly enumerating the individual messages we have seen, but this means that every member has to explicitly transmit every message ID, which is not very efficient. This could be an option for high-bandwidth unreliable transports however.

One strategy has been to work towards a system that can detect inconsistency, yet may be unable to recover from specific inconsistent scenarios (since this is unnecessary if we are OK with a unreliable transport), in the hope that such a system would be simpler than strong ordering and not require buffering.

Nothing concrete has thus far been proposed, but we believe the goal itself to be naive. In unreliable transports, drops and out-of-order deliveries happen fairly frequently by definition, so users will often get false positive “inconsistency” warnings, training them to ignore such warnings and reducing their effectiveness.

We further suspect that such strategies would be able to unable to switch an inconsistent to a consistent state, when out-of-order delivery occurs but all messages are eventually received (i.e. consistency recovers when the transport recovers), whereas buffering would be able to achieve this.


We outline some techniques that try to determine clock skew, and detect severely incorrect claims - but acceptance of a timestamp should not be treated with substantial authenticity by any higher-lever application.



Declared vs local timestamps

Send vs recv timestamps - recv might be either “delivered” vs “inferred-seen”, elaborate - the latter is also a total ordering like “delivery order” but would cause

UI re-drawing.
  • the latter probably more suitable for inferring remote timestamps

Some properties of these, assuming arbitrary delays in the network. Assumes “global time” exists, i.e. not relativistic.

Minimum bound

Minimum local send timestamp (mlst)

Recursive definition of mlst, based on dst from others, and lst (== dst) of self.

Consequences of false declarations:

  • dst too low -> as if network had much higher latency. mlst estimates might too generous, not such a big deal. it might even be unaffected since it’s calculated as max() of information from multiple people.

  • dst too high - if no-one notices -> no problem, as if network had much lower latency -

    actually a good thing!

    • if someone notices, send a “bad timestamp” message, emit a UI warning “mlst appears to be from the future; mlst calculations of later messages may also be affected by this” - diagram of example situation - how to handle (might be innocent)? getting quite complex, leave for

      future research

Could be integrated into freshness checks, but complexity probably not worth it.