Control your phone via keyboard and mouse
These instructions let you control your phone via a computer keyboard and mouse, for example if your touchscreen is cracked.
This is only necessary on older phones. With more recent phones, you can just plug in a mouse via a USB OTG cable, or a USB C cable (that entails OTG) for the newest phones such as the Nexus 5X. (Supposedly you can also do this with the Nexus 4 after some extra convoluted hacks, but I never managed to get that working myself.)
TODO: link to specific sections rather than entire page.
Run screencast
These are the basic core instructions, which may need to be adapted depending on your system:
$ git clone && cd AndroidScreencast AndroidScreencast$ mvn package AndroidScreencast$ java -jar target/androidscreencast*.jar
If you're on Debian, you need to integrate the following:
Before mvn package:
AndroidScreencast$ patch -p1 <<EOF diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml index 1dc8e0a..40012d8 100644 --- a/pom.xml +++ b/pom.xml @@ -89,7 +89,15 @@ <pluginRepositories> <pluginRepository> + <id>local</id> + <url>file:///usr/share/maven-repo</url> + </pluginRepository> + <pluginRepository> + <id>maven-apache</id> + <url></url> + </pluginRepository> + <pluginRepository> <id></id> - <url></url> + <url></url> </pluginRepository> </pluginRepositories> <url></url> EOF
Before java -jar [..]:
AndroidScreencast$ socat TCP-LISTEN:5037,fork UNIX-CONNECT:/tmp/5037 &
This is because Debian disables TCP-listen for the adb server by default, for security. If your non-Debian system does this, you'll need to run this too.