Export KDE Marble KML bookmarks to OsmAnd GPX favourites.
Requires: python-lxml, gpsbabel
Usage: $0 <EXPORT_FOLDER> ... < bookmarks.kml > favourites.gpx
$0 -i favourites.gpx
EXPORT_FOLDER are the bookmark folders (in Marble) to export. The argument can
also be in the following extended syntax:
EXPORT_FOLDER ::= (folder | gpx_file) "|" colour
gpx_file is the path to an actual file to splice into the favourites as-is.
colour is what colour to display those places in, in OsmAnd.
Use the -i option to install the output file into Android.
TODO: write this up in the main droid-hacks doc. Roughly:
- add this script to a crontab
- expose $(dirname favourites.gpx) via a stealth hidden service
- periodically download it to your phone
- su -c 'ln -sf ../Downloads/favourites.gpx /data/media/0/osmand/'
from __future__ import print_function
from lxml import etree
import copy
import os.path
import subprocess
import sys
path = os.path.expanduser
NS = {
def export(*args):
kml_in = etree.parse(sys.stdin)
fav = None
fav_time = None
fav_bounds = None
for export in args:
parts = export.split("|")
if len(parts) == 2:
folder, colour = parts
elif len(parts) == 1:
folder, colour = parts[0], None
raise ValueError(export)
if folder.endswith(".gpx"):
fp = open(path(folder))
folder = os.path.basename(folder)
p = subprocess.Popen(["/usr/bin/gpsbabel", "-i", "kml", "-o", "gpx", "-f", "-", "-F", "-"],
# filter only this folder
r = copy.deepcopy(kml_in)
for e in r.findall("//k:Document/k:Folder", namespaces=NS):
if e.getchildren()[0].text != folder:
r.write(p.stdin, encoding="utf-8", xml_declaration=True)
fp = p.stdout
# write the folder name into the GPX output of gpsbabel, otherwise it's lost
g = etree.parse(fp)
for e in g.findall("//g:wpt", namespaces=NS):
t = e.makeelement('type')
t.tail = e.text # i'm OCD, maintain indentation
t.text = folder
e.insert(0, t)
i2, i1 = e.getchildren()[-2:]
if colour:
x = e.makeelement("extensions")
c = e.makeelement("color")
c.text = colour
x.tail = i1.tail # i'm OCD, maintain indentation
i1.tail = i2.tail
# merge the output into "fav"
if fav is None:
fav = g
fav_time = fav.findall("//g:time", namespaces=NS)[0]
fav_bounds = fav.findall("//g:bounds", namespaces=NS)[0]
g_time = g.findall("//g:time", namespaces=NS)
if g_time:
g_time = g_time[0]
if g_time.text > fav_time.text:
fav_time.text = g_time.text
g_bounds = g.findall("//g:bounds", namespaces=NS)
if g_bounds:
g_bounds = g_bounds[0]
if float(g_bounds.get("minlon")) < float(fav_bounds.get("minlon")):
fav_bounds.set("minlon", g_bounds.get("minlon"))
if float(g_bounds.get("minlat")) < float(fav_bounds.get("minlat")):
fav_bounds.set("minlat", g_bounds.get("minlat"))
if float(g_bounds.get("maxlon")) > float(fav_bounds.get("maxlon")):
fav_bounds.set("maxlon", g_bounds.get("maxlon"))
if float(g_bounds.get("maxlat")) > float(fav_bounds.get("maxlat")):
fav_bounds.set("maxlat", g_bounds.get("maxlat"))
for e in g.findall("//g:wpt", namespaces=NS):
fav.getroot().getchildren()[-1].tail = g.getroot().text # i'm OCD, maintain indentation
fav.write(sys.stdout, encoding="utf-8", xml_declaration=True)
return 0
def install(f):
subprocess.Popen(["sh"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE).communicate(input="""
adb shell am force-stop $pkg
adb shell su -c "find /data/data/$pkg/ /sdcard/Android/data/$pkg/ -name 'favourites_*.gpx' -delete"
adb push "%s" /sdcard/Android/data/$pkg/files/favourites.gpx
""" % f)
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == "-i":